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Super and tax – what’s changing on 1 July 2024

They say nothing is certain in life except two things – death and taxes. Australians can probably add a third – the knowledge that come the end of financial year, the rules around superannuation and taxation will inevitably change. It can be hard keeping up …

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How to reduce your mortgage interest rate and fees

How to reduce your mortgage interest rate and fees

With interest rates continuing to rise, reducing your mortgage interest rate can be a great way to save money so you’re not out of pocket and can keep or invest more of what you earn. Here’s a four step plan that may help you decrease …

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How debt can help you build long-term wealth

Contrary to what some people may think, debt can help you build your wealth – especially if the debt is used responsibly with a clear plan and objective. In this article, we look at three ways that may help you to better utilise debt to …

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Commonly Asked Questions – retirement planning

Commonly Asked Questions - retirement planning

Retirement is a major milestone in life, representing the end of years of hard work and dedication. It’s a time to enjoy the freedom to pursue your passions and interests without being tied to a work schedule. However, to make the most of your retirement …

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7 ways to get ready for tax time

Here’s a quick checklist to help you prepare for the end of financial year and maximise your tax time benefits. Understand your sources of income When it comes to tax, your wages are just the start. Income can come from all sorts of areas. Interest …

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Helping your parents financially while saving for retirement

Many people are finding themselves in a situation where they need to provide financial support to their aging parents. Balancing the responsibility of helping your parents financially while saving for your own retirement, is no doubt challenging. Effective financial planning can help you provide for …

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Social media scams: Who’s really following you?

Cyber criminals are targeting people based on personal details and preferences – and reeling them in with professional looking follow ups. Find out how to protect yourself. Next time you like or follow a friend or a brand on social media, keep in mind that …

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How women can future proof their wealth

Planning for retirement is a daunting task but it’s too important not to think about – especially for women. Fortunately, there are some small steps women can take today to protect and grow their finances for the future. It’s probably no surprise to hear that …

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Do you know your Total Superannuation Balance (TSB)? You should!

The total superannuation balance or TSB was a significant change introduced as part of the Government’s superannuation reform package, taking effect on 1 July 2017. However, unlike other changes, such as the pension transfer balance cap, the total superannuation balance has generally been overlooked despite …

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