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Is $1 million enough to retire on?

Everyone who’s approaching retirement wants to know how much money they need to save – how much is enough to leave work confidently and then live comfortably? Lately, we’ve been seeing $1 million dollars bandied around as the magic number but is $1 million enough? …

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How to review your SMSF investment strategy

Super law sets out some requirements that trustees of regulated super funds need to consider when formulating an investment strategy. These requirements include (but not limited to) the composition of investments, risk and return, liquidity, insurance and the ability to pay liabilities (including member benefits) …

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How to overcome a financial setback

When considering the financial position they’ve achieved in retirement, many Australian retirees share the same opinion: “I wish I’d saved more.” For some people, keeping up with day-to-day living expenses and staying on top of debts is challenging enough, and investing for the future can …

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Market and Economic overview

Australia Headline inflation rose slightly more than expected in the December quarter. Prices rose 0.7% over the three-month period, the fastest quarterly increase in three years. This took the annual inflation rate to 1.8%. The increase was partly due to higher food prices, affected by …

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Opening up about money

Funny thing, money. On the one hand it can get us excited or give us a real sense of achievement (think reaching a savings goal). On the other hand, it’s something we tend to keep to ourselves. Whether our finances are in great shape or …

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Three reasons why fun should be in your budget

It’s fair to say that most of us aren’t crazy about budgeting. Even with the latest budgeting apps that aim to make this common sense habit into something easy and fun, the thought of keeping tabs on what we’re spending from month-to-month fills many people …

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How to budget for a baby

With a little bit of planning you should be able to successfully avoid having the joy of starting a family compromised by the financial burden of doing so. Based on research by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) it costs over $406,000 …

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The impact of falling house prices

Housing is the most important asset owned by the majority of Australian households, according to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). A house not only serves as a place to live, but as a long-term investment, a measure of household wealth and a source of …

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