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Federal Government stimulus package

March 2020 What it means for individuals, retirees and the Australian economy Here we explain some of the benefits you may be eligible for. With the COVID-19 coronavirus crippling the Australian economy and affecting livelihoods, the Australian Federal Government has announced a range of measures …

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Making sense of Medicare and your tax obligations

To help pay for the public health system which we call Medicare, you’re required to pay a 2 percent Medicare levy as part of your income tax. While the low-income tax offset can reduce your individual tax liability, sadly it does not reduce the Medicare …

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Is $1 million enough to retire on?

Everyone who’s approaching retirement wants to know how much money they need to save – how much is enough to leave work confidently and then live comfortably? Lately, we’ve been seeing $1 million dollars bandied around as the magic number but is $1 million enough? …

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Economic Update

Market and Economic overview Australia Headline inflation rose slightly more than expected in the December quarter. Prices rose 0.7% over the three-month period, the fastest quarterly increase in three years. This took the annual inflation rate to 1.8%. The increase was partly due to higher …

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Will I pay Capital gains Tax on my Inheritance?

In Australia, special capital gains tax rules apply when dealing with assets of a deceased estate. The most common types of assets inherited by a beneficiary that could be subject to a capital gain are property, shares and managed funds. You may have just received …

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Time to consider green investing?

In the wake of recent ferocious bushfires, the climate change debate has climbed the news agenda, with many Australians now considering what they can do to help. If you’d like your money to make a difference to the environment as well as your future, now …

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Making sense of Medicare and your tax obligations

To help pay for the public health system which we call Medicare, you’re required to pay a 2 percent Medicare levy as part of your income tax. While the low-income tax offset can reduce your individual tax liability, sadly it does not reduce the Medicare …

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